Today I went for a walk down Melrose Ave. in the pouring rain because it was fun and I also thought I'd be alone. I was right and wrong. It was fun to traipse thru the rain and along the way I met two people who were umbrella-less. I offered them mine for a few blocks until they got to their apartment or to the store to look for clothes. The first, Mia from San Diego was a trendy young woman who was visiting a friend and wanted to go clothes shopping. She was soaking without an umbrella so I walked, holding my umbella over her for a few blocks until she got to Wasteland. Along the way I offered the idea I just thought of. Me: Wouldn't it be great if you got a discount for shopping at stores when it was raining? Mia: Yeah! Me: It would be a great way to get people shopping at a time when most don't leave the house. Mia: Totally! So, Mia was totally on board. She liked my idea! The other person I talked to was Dennis and he lives in a half-way home. He used to be homeless and I offered my umbrella to him as he was walking back from 7-11 with a large Big Gulp. Me: Wouldn't it be great if people got discounts on stuff when it rained? Dennis: Yeah, I'd get a bigger Big Gulp!
So, two people on opposite sides of the economic spectrum both thought my idea of incentivizing shopping during the rain was a good idea. It's a kind of simple idea and I'm not sure if it's been done before. Heck, I don't even have a store to see if it'd work. Thoughts?
Comment: lol!