Sunday, January 3, 2010


The idea is this and if you've heard of it you can stop reading or do me a kind favor by commenting on this idea. The concept of legally notarizing a video. Just the same way a notary public serves to witness and authenticate documents, bills and drafts. A Video Notary would authenticate the date of videos to help settle legal or disputed claims. Obviously they would need extensive knowledge of how videos are made and produced and would need a deep forensic understanding of all types of video files. The applications for this could be widespread and help to end disputes over fair use claims, intellectual property rights, crimes, etc. So, what do you think? Does this thing exist? I have not searched for this type of thing online because the idea came from me as I was watching old videos of my journalism work in college and wondered who owned it if it was shot by me and a friend at the same time. Would he own only his parts? Would I mine? How would someone tell, 10 years after who shot what? It is in my possession and I have all of the face time. Does this make the video mine? What about the people I interviewed? Are they entitled to the video? If you are a lawyer and reading this, let me know what you think. If you are me reading this, stop re-reading your old blog posts!

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