Tuesday, February 9, 2010

iphone App Idea: Microphone

I don't have an iphone. Heck, I barely have a regular cellphone and need a new one but I have the hardest time making a decision. I have been waffling back and forth with the iphone because I found it hard to type on and well, I have a mild addiction to the internet, and having it right in my pocket may make me even less productive. Plus, and maybe this is just living in Los Angeles, but all I notice when I go out is people typing and looking at their phone in public. Even at a table full of people, 90% of the time, they stare at their screens instead of talking to the person right in front of them. I find that disheartening and I refuse to be one of those people. I understand how useful the iphone is but I think it can be a distraction to those who abuse it. With that said, I had an idea for a fun and handy iphone app. I'd create an attachment that connects to the base of the iphone and turns the iphone into a microphone that can project through a nearby speaker that is set to the frequency of the attachment. The uses for this kind of invention are near endless. Imagine giving lectures or speeches with your iphone. Participating in Q and A forums where microphones are bandied about, wasting time and slowing down the discussion. Great for street musicians who don't need a whole mic set up. Great for karaoke or house parties. Can you think of any other places a mobile microphone would come in handy? I did a quick search and found only microphone iphone attachments that record audio to the iphone. This would turn the iphone inot a projection device. Who knows, maybe at the next Super Bowl, the singer will be using their iphone to belt out the Star-Spangled Banner!

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